Looking at the picture to my left right which was taken just a few weeks ago it is hard to believe we are in January still. We have had some serious spring-like weather the last few days. Going from -47 with the wind chill to plus 9 and dropping back down again. I am sure I am not the only one with sore joints! Currently, we are sitting a bit above freezing which is absolutely blowing my mind and we had a good blast of freezing rain last night and this morning. I am sure the snowmobilers are not happy with this thaw we have had and I don’t blame them! Not sure my horses are either, the barnyard is a bit of an ice rink.
Anyways, this weather has made me think about spring and a few others I am happy to say. Several walks ins this week to the office looking for cottages or homes in the area and with the limited selection of inventory, a few of them are still looking. Which has made me think of the spring market? The 2018 Spring Life Cottage Show is coming up in the next few months, so if you are looking at selling your home or cottage give me a call, maybe we can take advantage of the seller’s market that is upon us. Don’t hesitate, you can ask for a free opinion of value of your property with no obligation to list, but will give you a better idea of the market and you may just be pleasantly surprised. If your not thinking of selling, but you are thinking of buying, make sure to mark on your calendars March 22-25th in Toronto. It is a great spot to see what is out there in cottage country and you can visit our booth! 🙂
Ball Real Estate will be there and ready to answer any of your questions.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!